Sunday, December 28, 2008

OK, I'm back

My yard is a wreck. I haven't been home for any good length of time since February, what with the big job and all. I have to say, Enid Oklahoma has beautiful roses. And sunflowers.
Tradition dictates that whatever you do on New's Year's Day will be what you do most for the rest of the year. So I will plant roses.
I went a little crazy ordering bulbs. It doesn't get cold enough here to grow tulips, so Of course, I have to try. I've got tulips, muscari, some croci and daffodils, and they're all in the fridge. I'll put them in pots on New Year's Day, and let you know how they do. It's 79 degrees today-Christmas was a record 80. My resolution walk on the beach this morning was so pleasant. Nothing not to love!