And if you could see my car you would know how many of them currently perch in the grand oak over my driveway! Gross. They're lovin' the pyracantha berries in my yard. I promise.
I got some sugar snap pea seeds yesterday at
Royall Ace Hardware, my favorite locale for products. Everyone there is so gracious and helpful, and they get great healthy plants. Right now they have a variety of lettuce seedlings that would be great for a new lettuce grower. We can plant them now, but they do need to be covered if it gets cold again, and it probably will.
I like to soak my pea seeds til they sprout, then plant them where they will grow. I'm bad at
hardening off. I always forget. Click on the link and you'll see why!
My bay tree has bloom sprouts on it. Last year I planted a
thunbergia "Spanish Eyes"vine to grow up it and was really pretty. The flowers stood out against the dark green of the bay leaves. It's on my list to repeat.
It's another sunny day, so rather than write about gardening, I think I'll go do it!