Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Weather

We are experiencing record breaking heat. It's 80 degrees outside and I have been sweating while planting spraxia bulbs and breaking up the sedum. Looks like there's a big ugly tornado watchbox headed this way so I guess that pile of pruning I just left by the curb will blow over to my new neighbor's house. Oh well. Welcome!

I threw out parsley, cilantro and dill seeds while I was out there. I love my black swallowtail caterpillars and they love to eat those particular herbs. I like to pet the little caterpillars. When touched they send off a big stink!

I am so tempted to plant my basil seeds but I KNOW better. As soon as I do it will get cold again. I'll just look forward to pesto. It's a fun thing to anticipate.

If you are new to the Lowcountry and I know many of you are, try not to let spring-like February weather fool you! It can ( and does) frost in March.

1 comment:

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I hope you had at least a few nice icy drinks on a lawn chair. Last week we had 80 degree weather after some in the 50's with over-night lows
of 30. Now it's raining. Soon this storm will head out your way..